Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Whimsical Wednesday – Think outside of the box with us!

Emily Kay Photography
 Every Bride wants to stand out and be unique on their Wedding Day. From the something borrowed, blue, old and new to a unique headpiece or non-traditional bouquet, it seems as though these days that almost every bride is pushing the limits on this topic. As I was browsing through some online albums today, I stumbled upon this photo and I just had to share! This picture is from Emily Kay Photography and it definitely stopped me in my tracks.

If you are looking for a simple and fun way to incorporate more color into your wedding gown, this is an excellent solution. A little can go a long way and a hint of crinoline peeking out from underneath your gown may be just the ticket! Would you keep your dress traditional floor - length, or would be daring like this gal and shorten the length altogether?

What do you think? Share your thoughts with us!

~Eventfully, Jefferson

Friday, February 24, 2012

WNCI's Sweetheart is engaged!

A few weeks ago, I heard that Kelsey Webb, from WNCI’s “The Morning Zoo” was engaged. One of the wittiest, smartest and most beautiful gals in Columbus is getting married? I had to know more! 
Kelsey graciously agreed to meet me on a sunny Saturday morning for an interview. I quickly noticed a few things about her; 1.) She was naturally beautiful, 2.) Her engagement ring was like nothing I had ever seen before, and 3.) I knew when she insisted she buy her own coffee that I was dealing with a very down to earth girl… and I was right!
As we began to talk, Kelsey told me that she and her fiancĂ©, known on the show as “Meatball”, had met during an internship at Ohio State. “At first I thought he was boring,” Kelsey said to me while chuckling. She went on to tell me that their love finally sparked on none other than…AIM. Yes ladies and gentlemen, the on-line chat forum that kept us all entertained prior to smart phones is what initially connected these two lovebirds. Although it was not Kelsey who made the first move, “My roommate pretended she was me on AIM and asked him out!”
Fast forward eight years and here we are. Kelsey filled me in on her fears of moving in with someone for the first time and all the anxiety that can go along with it. “I was terrified of moving in with someone. I’m an only child and I lived alone for five years. But, I was so wrong. I had nothing to be worried about. I know the ‘cookie cutter’ way of doing things doesn’t always work, especially for me. Sometimes I need to do things backwards, at my own pace.”
That backwards formula also applied to Kelsey’s wedding dress. “I actually bought my wedding dress last summer, long before I got engaged. I was on vacation with my mom in Toronto. We had watched an episode of “Say Yes to the Dress” the night before. It was our last day there and we were power-shopping. I randomly saw a white dress at a non-bridal boutique, tried it on just for fun and it was perfect! My mom was there, it was totally affordable, and I was able to stuff it into my suitcase. I couldn’t pass it up!” Kelsey gave me the honor of sneaking a peek of the dress on her phone and it is amazing!
At this point I couldn’t help but ask Kelsey how she knew he was the one? What is the turning point in your relationship that takes you from fear of the unknown to being completely confident that this person is the right one for you? I must say, the girl gives good advice. “Honestly, there is no jealousy in our relationship. He just lets me be me and I try to do the same for him. His parents are still madly in love and that was his example. I’ve had a lot of lessons to learn and through everything he’s been my rock. There are no rules for what works for a couple. You need to create them to fit your own wants and needs.”
“So what’s the story with the ring?” I inquired? Kelsey’s left hand donned two white gold bands, each containing five stones lined up side by side. This is not what you would consider your traditional engagement ring but then again, by now we know that Kelsey is no ‘traditional’ girl.”
“I love jewelry, and I love bling!” She said, eyes sparkling. “I didn’t want something dainty, so I took things into my own hands. We had gone back home for the holidays and I found a great deal. The jewelry store was having a half-off sale ending on Christmas Eve. There was no way to pass this deal up, so I told him about it. I didn’t expect him to propose the next day! He told me after the fact that he wanted me to wear it right away!”
As she went on I realized the proposal was the most traditional of the arrangement. “It was Christmas Eve, in front of his parents’ Christmas tree, just me and him. I’m a crier, but I didn’t cry. Our relationship is more practical than emotional, but it works for us. Christmas was a great time to get engaged, because we were able to celebrate with all of our family, instead of telling them the news over the phone.” She went on to tell me more, “Our engagement was actually upstaged by two other surprises. My cried when we told him our news. But he cried even harder when my half-brother showed up, because he wasn’t supposed to make it home. Then my brothers gave my dad an HD TV and he sobbed forever. It was seriously like a Samsung commercial!”
Of course I am a Wedding Planner, so I began inquiring about all the details. I can guarantee you that this will absolutely be a one-of-a-kind day for a one-of-a-kind couple. When I asked her about her thoughts for the wedding, she simply said “I am just enjoying the process.” Go Kelsey!
In conclusion I asked Kelsey what her advice would be for single girls out there looking for ‘the one’. “The most important relationship you have is with yourself” she said; “…put energy into loving and knowing yourself first. Everything else will fall into place.”
Thanks Kelsey for this great opportunity!
Eventfully, Jefferson

Friday, February 3, 2012

The First Dance - How do you pick the perfect song?

The first dance:  Those few fleeting minutes at every wedding reception where a new husband and wife make their “entrance” into the world as a married couple. The one song that plays as your closest family and friends watch adoringly as you romantically stare into each other’s eyes, swaying (hopefully with some grace)  to the rhythm of a lovely song.
As a Wedding Planner, of course I have thought of what song I would want played for the first dance between my new husband and me at our Wedding Reception. This one tune would have to be something inspiring. It would have to be a song that would even stop your ridiculous Uncle Joe from telling yet another corny and wildly inappropriate joke (if even just for a few minutes). With this one song - heads would turn, one could hear a pin drop, and there wouldn’t be a dry eye in the place. The one song where your guests (man, woman and child alike) would tip their heads ever so slightly to the side and think to themselves “I wish I could feel the way they do, right now.”, or “I remember our first dance.”
Picking that song can be quite the daunting task. You want this song to say so much, in such a short period of time, without being too showy or cheesy. With that being said, here are some of my favorite picks for first dance songs. Pull up YouTube and have some fun friends!
1.       “Falling in love at a Coffee Shop:” by Landon Pig
This song just makes you want to gaze into someone’s eyes and just be.

2.       “Right Here Waiting for You” by Richard Marx
Yes, this song is a throwback to a time of perms and fountains built into wedding cakes, but it always makes me stop dead in my tracks. This song is an anthem for raw, real love.

3.       “The Blowers Daughter” by Damien Rice
This song is simple and emotional. A co-worker of mine used this as her first dance song and it certainly stopped all guests dead in their tracks!

4.       “The Girl” by City and Colour
I want someone to feel that way about me. ‘Nough said.

5.       “The Way you look tonight” by Frank Sinatra
Seriously, need you ask more? It is classic, simple and elegant. Sinatra is timeless, just like you and your fiancé!

6.       “To Make You Feel My Love” by Adele
A strong soulful voice and inspiring lyrics can bring a couple together. Perhaps this song tells a story of a tumultuous relationship past – or maybe even this song says what some can’t verbalize.

7.       “Your Song” by Elton John
First, who doesn’t love Elton John? This song is full of inspiration for any couple starting their new life together. I find it terribly romantic!

8.       “Inevitable” by Anberlin
If you have not heard this song, I recommend you YouTube it immediately! It is very charming. The chorus says “I want to be your last first kiss”. Seriously? Fantastic!

9.       “Everything I Do” by Bryan Adams
Because I said so. It is a great song and you know it.

10.    “She’s Got a Way” by Billy Joel
Ok, so I am a little biased for Billy Joel, but when I was 6 or 7, I heard this song while with my Dad and he told me “One day, if you meet a man you want to marry – this is how he should feel about you, and not anything less.” That statement always stuck with me.

11.   “By Your Side” by Sade
This song makes me daydream, it is so perfectly beautiful.

12.   “More than Words” by Extreme
This may be another throwback, but an excellent song nevertheless!

13.   “Me and You” by Kenny Chesney
I don’t see myself as an ordinary girl and this song describes the kind of “extraordinary” love I hope to be in when I marry one day. Cheesy, yes…but its how I think!

14.   “Because of You” by Tony Bennett
Why? Because, it’s Tony Bennett!

15.   “Wouldn’t’ it be Nice?” by the Beach Boys
I love, love, love this song! It is light, airy and fun. Perfect for a laid back couple looking to kick off their reception with a bang!
While I realize that this song barely touches on the thousands of first dance songs available out there, my point is – make your first dance song different, make it unique to the both of you!
If you have an even better first dance song, please share! We love a good story and we love to learn, so bring it on!
Eventfully and Always, Jefferson